It's taken me far too long to get around to doing this post but, once again I'm going to play the 'you will not believe HOW crazy life has been' card... But I'm using it anyway!
About a month ago I went to the Jean Paul Gaultier From sidewalk to catwalk exhibition at the Barbican, it. was. amazing. Stupidly, I assumed and didn't check in advance about photography, and for once - the one time I didn't have my camera - You could take photos. Typical, I know, so I apologise for the grainy images as all I had was my iphone (even a decent camera wouldn't do it just though to be honest).
Back at school, during my A levels, Gaultier was a main inspiration to my textiles coursework and has always been a designer that I have respected the work of. The 'bad boy' of French Fashion as he's known just fascinates me with the intricate detail, thousands of hours put into one garment and even the risky and fleshy garments. I honestly cant see why you would dislike this breton wearing man! To me, he's the french McQueen..

On the left, I think has to be my favourite look in the whole exhibition. Mohawk Pretty Punk.. Sassy to say the least - I want it!!!
I absolutely adore this image. I cannot explain why, its simple, saucy and just down right perfect.
I could go on and on about what I saw and what I loved and bombard you with image, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't been. I found it truly inspiring and perfect, even my mum thought it was brilliant and she's been dragged along to some weird things that she didn't always appreciate!
Please, I beg you, If you have not yet been, you must go - even if you are not a massive fan of this genius' work, just go. The curation, the technology and the facts are just astounding all together. And take you camera.. just go. Now!!!!