For those who don't know, Friday I turned 21. Yes, 21... I'm getting old, it's official. And my family and friend have no shame in reminding me. CONSTANTLY. But who cares. I literally had the most AMAZING time.
It all started with Fray coming home from France, which the flight was delayed may I add. We got there in the end though and it only got better from there. Everything was a surprise on the day that I woke up, and I wouldn't have asked for it any other way.
With love; Emma
My sister couldn't have got me a better present, my very own pair of Vivienne Westwood shoes.
They. Are. Fabulous.
For anyone that hasn't had the pleasure of handling a pair, they smell just as amazing as they look, and are really quite comfortable, Emma knowing me oh-to well knew that there was clearly only one colour option. Pink, Pink, Pink!
With love; Mum & Dad
For a while now I've been wanting original copies of my Birth month from the year I was born, especially being September. Dad's amazing googling skills paid off once again and I got more than A original copy. Vogue Paris and Vogue UK are now a happy edition to my ever growing bookshelf of dreams. Along with this, a frame with 5 cover's from September 1992. Literally perfect.
With love; Frazer

"I'll never buy you a ring, never", 3 years of one vow was broken in about 3 seconds. I am not complaining as I have a fabulous little orb on my finger, twinkling away in the lights.
I really did not know what to expect from Fray and I'm so glad because it was a lovely little surprise!
Background story!
We got the train to London and straight in a cab from Liverpool Street, all 5 of us. I had no idea where we was off too, but my parents slipped the taxi driver a piece of paper with the address on it and off we went. Weaving around through traffic and I totally lost all sense of direction within minutes, until we pulled up down a cobbled side street.. next to a Waitrose and was ordered to get out. Doing as I was told I stepped onto the pavement with no idea what was going on.
"Look." Mum
"What?" Me
"Over there..." Mum
(blank expression, jaw drops to floor)
"No. No!?" Me
"YES! Come on!" Mum
Que, my inability to move and a wave of involuntary tears spring into full flow......
With love; Mum & Dad

(Photography by Me)
I can't even make this post sound anywhere near as amazing as my day was but I hope that you get some kind of idea how lucky I feel and how much I appreciated everything the people around me did.
I love you all so much