One of my friends emailed me earlier today asking me to give a hand with helping get a outfit together as she is going out next week for drinks with a small group of friends.. Of course I willing accepted. Got all my little details, i.e., how much she was willing to spend, what kind of style and who was going and where. I got what I needed and let my fingers hit the keyboard googling away.
I love the girl to pieces but her love for girly style is not existent... The day I saw her in a dress at prom.. I took as many photo's of possible and she looked absolutely gorgeous! So anyway... I tried to keep it close to her own style but added a few little extra's to "spice it up" as it was! I created little mood boards to showcase a full outfit, although there may have been items in her own wardrobe she could mix in to keep the cost down.
Out Fit One....
As I know my friend likes to keep her wardrobe quite neutral and a little more masculine, I went for some simple little additions that would brighten up the outfit. I thought I may have been a little ambitious with the green blouse and yellow peep toes but I thought there was no harm starting big and toning it down!
As I thought, my friend wanted 'a little more casual and simple colours'. So I started to hunt about again and came up with two more options...
Next up, I muted down the colours but kept one burst. In the second, the bright bag which I absolutely adore. The simple black trousers and lightweight lace detail back blouse. I wanted to keep heels involved in the outfit due to it being a evening drink in a bar/club. I thought it was essential, along with the use of black, always a popular and safe colour to fall back on.
Finally a pieced together what I thought would be the best and favoured option. I knew she'd recently been admiring maroon skinny jeans so I thought it best to include this in one option. With a lower heel option, maroon skinnies, and button up chiffon shirt option with a cami underneath for modesty.
As predicted, the third was favoured and my work was done!
Take care :)